Friday, July 3, 2015

God's Riches

God is rich in all ways, and he gives graciously to those who are faithful. Whether it's mercy, grace, material wealth, or health, he has it all for the asking. If you have these things it's your duty to share them and multiply them for the use of God's Kingdom. If you don't have them, ask and you shall receive, only be a good steward with the things you are given and now have. You cannot expect God to bless you financially if you squander your money on things that are not pleasing to him. You cannot expect God to bless you with good health if you do not take care of your body.

If you are guilty of these things it's never too late to change your ways and receive richly from God all that you need.

John the Baptist told the people in keeping with repentance, let every man that has two cloaks give the one to he who has need. I've seen that exemplified by my Pastor and his family, as we moved out to Liberty and they provided basic needs for our new home. A verse says "there is he that scatters and has more than enough, and there is he that withholds more than is necessary and has poverty." If you have riches of any kind, whether they be talents, money, health, spiritual gifts...see to it that you share them in every way you can, and you will receive more from God's hand.

Furthermore, temptation from the devil recedes when you know that your Heavenly Father is rich and has blessed you with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus. If you are tempted to take the fast track to receive wealth, an unethical way, know that you can have all you need by good stewardship and prayer. The devil's temptation becomes weak when you realize that all that is God's is yours, as an heir with Christ.


Rejection is the scariest word in the bible. Did you know you can be rejected by God? We've all experienced rejection in some form or another, and it can be agonizing. Especially when you see others being accepted by the one who rejected you. Sometimes you're rejected because you did the wrong thing, such as being fired from a job. You have to live with the regret of losing your job while at the same time still being friends with the people you worked with, seeing them keep their jobs because they did the right thing.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is how it will be on the day of Judgment. Many will be rejected by God himself because their deeds were evil, and they refused to come into the light lest their deeds be made known. The bible says that in the lake of fire, those who don't know God will be tormented in the presence of Jesus and the Holy Angels. I don't know about you, but torment seems all the worse knowing I will be able to see Jesus and the Holy Angels enjoying righteousness and fellowship with God, while I suffer unimaginably. This is my motivation for becoming a Christian. I didn't want to pay for my sins, especially when Christ offers free salvation for those who simply believe.

Those who have accepted Christ will in no way be rejected, no matter how faulty they are. If they believe in the Lord and confess with their mouth, they will be saved. The next step is to pray and grow in faith, and to abstain from sin. But those who keep putting Jesus off have no hope to lean on, for tomorrow is promised to none of us. Get with Jesus while he can still be found, so you don't have to suffer rejection. The worst rejection is being told by Jesus "away from me you evil-doer, I never knew you," while hearing him say to others "well done, good and faithful servant." If you live in sin and refuse to open the door of your heart to Jesus, this certainly will be your reality.